
The Miraculous Superfood - Amla

The Miraculous Superfood - Amla: Explore Its Health Benefits and a Flavourful Amla Achaar Recipe

Amongst the variety of superfoods, few can rival the incredible Amla, also known as Indian Gooseberry. Revered for centuries in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, Amla is celebrated...

 Healthy Snacking option

Binge Eat on a Healthy Snacking option this Winters – Sweet Potato Chaat!

Winter has a way of stirring up cravings for hearty, soul-soothing dishes that not only warm our bodies but also tantalize your taste buds. Amidst the snowflakes and chilly winds,...

Herbs for Healthy Teeth

Revive the Power of a Sweet Smile - Herbs for Healthy Teeth

In a world filled with challenges, a sweet smile can be the beacon of light that brightens up even the darkest days. It's more than just a facial expression; it's...

 impact of Dosha’s as per Ayurveda

Let’s understand the impact of Dosha’s as per Ayurveda - Vata, Pitta and Kapha for Optimal Health

What are Dosha’s according to Ayurveda? In Ayurveda, doshas are fundamental energies or principles that govern various physiological and psychological processes within the human body. There are three primary doshas,...

Crafting Immunity with Ancient Indian Herbs for a Robust Resistance Power

Crafting Immunity with Ancient Indian Herbs for a Robust Resistance Power

In a world where health and well-being are paramount, the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda has stood the test of time. Indian herbs, deeply rooted in this traditional system of medicine,...